Whitlow Wyatt
Whitlow was born in Kensington, Georgia in 1907. His father was a railroad engineer with the Central of GA Railway. His family moved to Cedartown during his sophomore year of high school where he played football and baseball for Cedartown High. During his senior year a scout from the Detroit Tigers came to scout Frank […]
Weights and Measures of the Past
In 1880 the State of Georgia gave to each county “Scales, Weights, Yardsticks, and Measures” like this set. At that time many merchants did not have standard weights and measures. These were issued so they could correct theirs if necessary. By the time the old Court House in Cedartown was torn down these items were […]
Farrand Cone Radio Loudspeaker
Pictured in the Macy’s ad is a 1920’s model radio with cone speaker. Created by New York inventor Clair Loring Farrand, the moving coil, direct radiator cone loudspeaker replaced the horn type speaker (a model which could not produce the sound quality of the cone speaker). Mr. Farrand held over 250 patents and his company, […]
Lulu Hurst
Lulu’s autobiograpy is Open Source, and can be read on Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/LuluHursttheGeorgiaWonderWritesHerAutobiography THE STRANGE POWERS OF LULU HURST Lulu Hurst (sometimes Lula) was born in 1869 near Cedartown in Polk County, Georgia. After a few years in town, the Hurst family moved to Collard Valley into a fine old plantation home dating from the 1830s. […]
An Example of Polk’s Cemetery Preservation Resources
While browsing the archived Cedartown Standard newspapers on Georgia Historic Newspapers, I came across an article entitled Fatal Accident: Ollie Duke Killed in Rome. Mr. Ollie Duke, a Cedartown young man who has been employed for some time as a taxi driver in Rome, met with a tragic death last week. Mr. Duke was driving […]
Rockmart – A New Bank to be Established
ROCKMART NEWS A New Bank to be Established There–Other Notes Clay Bros. are making some very fine brick on Col. Dever’s property, in Rockmart. They make both rough and pressed brick, and are working away on Beasley & Hoge’s handsome brick store. Mr. W. L. Ferguson has purchased the “Alliance Store” and will do a […]
New Name for City Cemetery
GREENWOOD CEMETERY New Name Given to Our City Cemetery By the Ladies’ Cemetery Association, Help Them Beautify It The final resting place of the dead should be a beautiful as well as a sacred spot, and we are glad indeed that the ladies of Cedartown have taken in hand the task of beautifying it. For […]
Chief Collard and the Cherokee
Chief Collard lived peacefully in Cedar Town among white settlers until the Cherokee Indians were rounded up and driven from northwest Georgia in 1838. Later Collard and his sons apparently posed for a photographer in their new Oklahoma home. He and one son wear Christian crosses on their necklaces, possibly indicating conversion by missionaries who […]