This is a digital collection of some of our Black History material. For more information, visit our museum and research library. Black Cemeteries Robert Anderson Bryant (educator) Cedar […]
Calvin Ledell Janes: “Work Hard and Be Patient”
Calvin Ledell Janes was born in Cedartown, Georgia to Charlie T. Janes and Mrs. Sarah Woodall Janes. He attended Cedar Hill High School and graduated with honors. He […]
Memorial Day Memories of Brewster & Cleveland
Memorial Day, a holiday first established as Decoration Day at Arlington National Cemetery in 1868, is upon us and it sometimes bears repeating that its purpose is to […]
WWI Soldier to Goodyear Employee (War Diary)
Last year, the archives of the Polk County Historical Society received a donation that included a 23-page WWI diary by Cedartown native and longtime Goodyear employee John Preston […]
A Booz Hotel Gentleman Looking forward to Love or Food?
In 1890, a traveling salesman, Mr. Connelly, wrote to his beloved Ella during his stay at Cedartown’s own Booz Hotel, run by Proprietress Mrs. M. A. Booz. Apparently […]
1910 Polk County Map
This link downloads a large scale map that can be enlarged to find schools, churches, businesses & industries, residences, roads, railroads, waterways and more. 1910 Hudgins Company Link […]
My Humble But Beautiful Home
Found in the Cedartown Advertiser: December 11, 1879 Oh give me when day is declining, And sunshine is flooding the west, My ivy-clad mound, where reclining, I can […]
Women’s History Month: Gerry Edmonds Holmes
Geraldine (Gerry) Edmonds Holmes (September 14, 1947 – April 9, 2003) is buried in Greenwood cemetery with an inscription of “Loving Mother and Wife” as well as “First […]
McConnell Folding Dental Chair
McConnell Folding Dental Chairs were designed for traveling dentists. 1900 From a vintage ad: “A stump has some advantages as a Dental Chair in an emergency. It is […]
Edwards Signal Company Dual Air Horn
This item appears to be a dual air horn, manufacturing year unknown. According to the maker’s website: “They generate sound by means of a vibrating diaphragm that modulates […]
Whitlow Wyatt
Whitlow was born in Kensington, Georgia in 1907. His father was a railroad engineer with the Central of GA Railway. His family moved to Cedartown during his sophomore […]
Weights and Measures of the Past
In 1880 the State of Georgia gave to each county “Scales, Weights, Yardsticks, and Measures” like this set. At that time many merchants did not have standard weights […]
Farrand Cone Radio Loudspeaker
Pictured in the Macy’s ad is a 1920’s model radio with cone speaker. Created by New York inventor Clair Loring Farrand, the moving coil, direct radiator cone loudspeaker […]
Lulu Hurst
Lulu’s autobiograpy is Open Source, and can be read on THE STRANGE POWERS OF LULU HURST Lulu Hurst (sometimes Lula) was born in 1869 near Cedartown […]