This is a digital collection of some of our Black History material. For more information, visit our museum and research library. Black Cemeteries Robert Anderson Bryant (educator) Cedar […]
Calvin Ledell Janes: “Work Hard and Be Patient”
Calvin Ledell Janes was born in Cedartown, Georgia to Charlie T. Janes and Mrs. Sarah Woodall Janes. He attended Cedar Hill High School and graduated with honors. He […]
Memorial Day Memories of Brewster & Cleveland
Memorial Day, a holiday first established as Decoration Day at Arlington National Cemetery in 1868, is upon us and it sometimes bears repeating that its purpose is to […]
WWI Soldier to Goodyear Employee (War Diary)
Last year, the archives of the Polk County Historical Society received a donation that included a 23-page WWI diary by Cedartown native and longtime Goodyear employee John Preston […]
A Booz Hotel Gentleman Looking forward to Love or Food?
In 1890, a traveling salesman, Mr. Connelly, wrote to his beloved Ella during his stay at Cedartown’s own Booz Hotel, run by Proprietress Mrs. M. A. Booz. Apparently […]
1910 Polk County Map
This link downloads a large scale map that can be enlarged to find schools, churches, businesses & industries, residences, roads, railroads, waterways and more. 1910 Hudgins Company Link […]
An Example of Polk’s Cemetery Preservation Resources
While browsing the archived Cedartown Standard newspapers on Georgia Historic Newspapers, I came across an article entitled Fatal Accident: Ollie Duke Killed in Rome. Mr. Ollie Duke, a […]
Rockmart – A New Bank to be Established
ROCKMART NEWS A New Bank to be Established There–Other Notes Clay Bros. are making some very fine brick on Col. Dever’s property, in Rockmart. They make both rough […]
New Name for City Cemetery
GREENWOOD CEMETERY New Name Given to Our City Cemetery By the Ladies’ Cemetery Association, Help Them Beautify It The final resting place of the dead should be a […]
Chief Collard and the Cherokee
Chief Collard lived peacefully in Cedar Town among white settlers until the Cherokee Indians were rounded up and driven from northwest Georgia in 1838. Later Collard and his […]
Location of Charlie Town
Below is a newspaper article about Charlie/Char’le/Charlee/Charley Town. For a detailed history, visit Some observations of an old residenter, Editor Advertiser: Please allow me space in your […]