We have member meetings the last Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM except the months of July, August & December. The general public is invited to join our meetings in the museum upstairs conference room.
See our reading schedule here.
Our book club is open to anyone from the community who would like to join! You do not have to be a member of the Historical Society (however we would love for you to join!) We often have limited copies of the book for sale in the gift shop, but we always keep at least 2 copies in our lending library for those who do not wish to purchase the book. Some members choose to download an eBook or buy from their preferred retailer, and that is fine with us. There’s no official sign-up sheet to join our book club–you can just show up!
We tend to choose either local authors or historical fiction. Members offer title suggestions, although we sometimes schedule books around community events. We meet every other month on even months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) on the 2nd Monday at 4:00 PM. Meeting are about an hour long.