A New Bank to be Established There–Other Notes
Clay Bros. are making some very fine brick on Col. Dever’s property, in Rockmart. They make both rough and pressed brick, and are working away on Beasley & Hoge’s handsome brick store.
Mr. W. L. Ferguson has purchased the “Alliance Store” and will do a rushing business. He is a successful merchant and a most excellent gentleman.
Rockmart has the youngest mayor in the state: Mr. M. C. Hutchins. He is only 22, but is a jam up mayor.
Rockmart is scattering lime on her streets and cleaning up generally, which is a fine pointer for Cedartown.
Mr. Griff W. Jones left North Wales 28 years ago and came to Rockmart and set to work in the first quarry ever opened there. Although he fought for four years and four weeks for Dixie, and never did surrender until they made him quit, he has accumulated a snug little competence, and at 60 looks as chipper as a three year-old. His mother died at the good old age of 80, and Griff bids fair to live quite as long.
On Thursday Arthur Yorke, a most promising youth just entering manhood, died after a three week’s illness of fever. All that human hands could do was done to save him, but in the full flush of youth and the promise of a bright and glorious career, he passed away, leaving many friends and relatives to mourn his loss.
Mr. Will Janes, whose wife arrived some days ago from Texas and has been stopping at the home of her father, Dr. S. B. Pearce, arrived Wednesday by private conveyance , having spent a month on the way. Many friends are glad to welcome him home.
On Tuesday the Van Wert Mining and Quarry Co. held an important meeting. After a thorough discussion of the Company’s affairs it was unanimously agreed to open books, in a short time, for subscription to a bank to be established at Rockmart. The capital stock of the bank is to be $100,000, and the character of the gentleman composing the company, insures its abundant success. This will be a great thing for our sister town, and no doubt the subscriptions will come in lively.
Rumors of a big deal in real estate, especially slate, marble and mineral property, are rife in Rockmart, and it is said that enterprises of great magnitude will be set on foot in the near future.
M. M. F.
Cedartown Standard, July 14, 1888